We’ve Got A Spring Cleaning Checklist For Every Type Of Person (Yes, Even The Lazy Ones)

Spring has arrived, and brought with it more sunlight, new flowers shooting up from the ground, and a pretty noticeable layer of dust, dirt, and grime in the corners of our apartments. Yes, in addition to it being time to begin drinking on rooftops and bringing home colourful bunches of flowers, it's also time for spring cleaning. Depending on who you are, spring cleaning may be just as sweet as the sunshine and flowers. But for others, it can be enough to make you want winter to stick around forever.
No matter what your cleaning tolerance, it may be comforting to know that seasonal chores can be easily accomplished with checklists tailored to your specific needs. We recently spoke to Melissa Maker, host of the CleanMySpace YouTube channel, about spring cleaning tasks for every kind of cleaner.
"The tasks aren't going to change much person to person, it's just the amount of the task that they're going to do," Maker explains. "Your low-key cleaner is going to do like 20 percent. Your midway cleaner is going to do about 50 percent, and your hardcore cleaner, who like, schedules this stuff into their calendars and can't wait for spring because they love cleaning — they're going to do everything."
With Maker's help, we created three different spring cleaning checklists for three different kinds of cleaners. If you're committed to deep cleaning, if you want to do the bare minimum, or if you're somewhere in between, we've got a checklist for you. Take a look ahead, to find which list of tasks fits your needs. Then print it out and keep it handy while you tackle your spaces this season.
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