The 11 Next-Gen Chefs To Follow On TikTok & Instagram

Cooking isn't always as fun and carefree as it looks on those lifestyle channels you mindlessly watch for hours on sick days. For those of us who don't naturally reach beyond a simple pasta or roast dinner for countless reasons — limited mental bandwidth after working and a general lack of desire to grocery shop being just some — then social media is a great place for you.
While engagement on platforms like Instagram have waned, one thing we'll never get tired of is cooking videos. But since the Internet is a deep, dark pit of content, it helps to have some go-to pages that you know will be quick to serve up the goods — by which we mean dinner ideas that are neither complicated nor bland.
After all, eating is meant to bring us joy, meaning that cooking doesn't need to be taken too seriously. Life's too short for bad meals, no?
Below, we've rounded up a few of our favourite Instagram and Tiktok pages to scour for quick and easy meal inspiration — including a bunch of vegetarian and vegan-specific pages that make getting in our veggie requirements a dream. All you need is a pantry stocked with the basics and you're ready to get creating.

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