Calling All Bookworms: R29’s List Of The Best Bookshops In Sydney

There's just something about bookshops that is completely magical. As easy and convenient as it is to transport the written word with us on our devices, there will never be a feeling that quite compares to that of flipping through a real-life paperback, old or new, in the aisle of a one-of-a-kind bookstore.
This romanticisation of books and the vendors that deal in them is a pretty common affliction that any true bookworm will know well, and one we wholeheartedly support. So to make your book shopping as pleasurable and exciting as possible, we've collated a list of what we consider to be some of the best bookshops in Sydney. From second-hand novels to coffee table books and queer literature, you won't walk away empty-handed from any of these bookshops. So read on, and read wide!
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