The Ultimate Beach Read Bucket List

We're passionate about beach reads. Or, more specifically, we're passionate about the act of reading on the beach as it symbolises a pause from the hustle of life. It's you declaring to the world: for the next hour (or, in my case, five hours), it's going to be me, the sun, the sand and this story.
Holidays offer the opportunity to slow down from obligations and catch up on other important facets of life — build relationships, have adventures, and yes, read those books you've been meaning to read. That's why choosing a beach read you're excited about is crucial. When else will you have this chance to sit with your phone on silent and really delve into a story?
This brings us to the eternal issue: How do you choose what to read next? A new batch of incredible books comes out each week, but some of the best-ever beach reads have existed for more than 100 years. These are our iconic 'bucket list' beach reads — the kind of books you can cross off your list once you're done and feel just a bit more accomplished.
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