The Beginner Arm Workout You Can Do At Home

Photographed by Caroline Tompkins.
There's a quote from the TV drama Desperate Housewives that's stuck with me for years: "I have the upper body strength of a kitten." The phrase was originally employed by fictitious former model Gabrielle Solis, but I use it constantly. I say it when I can't open jars, and when I'm trying to get out of carrying grocery bags from the car to the house. I once said it to my personal trainer who chuckled and said, "Then do 10 more reps."
The point is, I use humour to deflect from the fact that I don't have the strongest upper body in the gym. However, building up my triceps, biceps, and shoulders is something I genuinely want to work on. I'd love to get bigger muscles, may even graduate to "the upper body strength of a bobcat."
But to be honest, I wasn't sure where to start. Push ups? Bicep curls? So I asked the experts over at the fitness app obé for some tips. Their instructor Liz Marie Chestang, a personal trainer and fitness professional, came up with a series of moves beginners can put together for a killer arm workout. She even demoed them for us. Follow along at home to begin building the strong arms of your dreams.

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