Sophie Turner & Joe Jonas' Vegas Wedding? Their Parents Found Out About It Online

Credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas — unless it’s a totally real, legally binding wedding. As Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas found out, it’s probably a good idea to give the fam a heads-up. Because when Diplo is live-streaming your wedding, it’s certainly not going to stay secret for long.
Jonas’ parents, Denise and Paul Kevin Jones, found out about their middle son’s wedding from the internet, he explained during an interview with SiriusXM's Hits1. “They did find out online,” Jonas admitted. “They have an amazing restaurant in North Carolina and I think, like, a couple of their staff walked up and were, like, “Congratulations! I saw.” And then they had to find out,” he said, which was probably pretty awkward.
He explains that it wasn’t their real wedding. “Well, in my mind, that was the legal portion of the marriage. So I was thinking, like, ‘Look, this is not the most important day.’” An Elvis impersonator wedding is just like going to the city clerk’s office to sign the marriage license!
The few people who attended the Vegas wedding were invited because they just happened to be in the right place at the right time. “So we were, like, this is just whoever’s in town,” said Jonas.
Jonas and Turner are planning another wedding, and ostensibly will be including the family for those nuptials. “There’s an important day, I mean, I’ll keep private, but ahead of us.” Details of that wedding are hazy, but we already know that Turner’s Game of Thrones co-star Maisie Williams is going to be a bridesmaid. Obviously, it will be the best wedding Sansa Stark has ever attended.

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