Turns Out Demi Was Crying About Colton On The Bachelor

Courtesy of ABC
UPDATE: This story was originally published on February 4, 2019 at 10:35 PM ET.
Demi took a break from the drama during the Feb. 4 episode of The Bachelor, but previews show she's back in the center of things next week. Demi is crying in The Bachelor trailer for the Feb. 11 episode, and fans are desperate to know why. Thus far Demi's been cool as a cucumber. She's totally comfortable in her own skin and hasn't been afraid to confront other people on the show. But this emotional side of Demi is new.
Let's cut to the chase though: Colton did end up sending Demi home early, after hearing her confess that she was falling in love with him and seeing first hand that she was giving up quality time with her mother to be there. (Remember that Demi's mother has just been released from prison at the time that she traveled with Colton to Vietnam). Because this was such an emotional endeavor for her, she understandably was driven to tears.
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Her tears are probably not related to some sort of sex scandal, as the promos continually attempt to tease. Spoiler: every single possible sex scandal in a promo from Colton's season has been debunked as 100 percent pure misdirection so far. Remember when Demi said in a promo, "Could Colton lose his virginity in Singapore? Maybe!" That turned out to be an aside and ultimately nothing. And how about last week's promo, which showed Elyse saying she made a mistake coupled with Colton cuddling someone in his bed and saying, "Normally I don’t let ladies in my bed on a first date"? The actual "mistake" Elyse was talking about was leaving the show, and Cassie was harmlessly kissing Colton in bed on a perfectly PG date after Elyse had already left — nothing more.
So, yes, the preview showed an oiled-up Colton making out with a woman and someone saying, "I get lost in the moment with him and I can’t control myself," but it's probably not what the producers want you to think.
In the promo, Demi is seen crying a few times and also saying she'll be needing to "fight someone now." The final scene is what looks like Demi going to talk to Colton. If it's not drama related to sex (and with this season's track record in mind, it's almost surely not), it could very well have to do with Demi's mom. She recently opened up to Colton that her mother went to federal prison and was released while Demi was still filming the show.
"I know you've seen such a bold fun crazy side of me, but there is a whole other side of me nobody knows about," she told Colton while they were in Singapore. "This week actually my mom was released from federal prison … My mom might be really messed up, but that woman loves me so much, and, no matter what she does, I love her unconditionally."
Demi got a little choked up talking about it, and it stands to reason that it could be why she's getting emotional next week too — after all, this is the only thing that's been able to crack her calm exterior. Being away from her mom while she was in prison, and not being there when she got out, is a lot for anyone — even someone as strong as Demi — to deal with.
Add to that, the fact that next week's episode precedes hometowns. That means that emotions are high, and the focus is extremely heavy on home life and family drama as Colton and the women decide who should take that step. Add to that this season's penchant for fighting over petty details, and it wouldn't be too out of the question that someone insults (intentionally or accidentally) Demi's home situation. And she may have been a pot-stirrer on the show at times, but Demi's also a real person dealing with some very real issues. If that's the cause of her crying next week, it's completely understandable.
Of course, it could be related to something else entirely. But considering that several of the other women were comforting her while she cried, it seems like it may be a little bigger than just whatever is happening in the quest for Colton's affections. Cassie recently wrote a post on Instagram about how these contestants may have been competing for one man, but they also had each other's backs. And it seems like next week, Demi will just need a shoulder to cry on. But no matter what it ends up being about, remember that the promos like to make things seem salacious and sex-related even when they're not — so don't let this one deceive you either.

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