Could This New Song Mean Crazy Ex's Rebecca Isn't Over Nathaniel After All?

Photo: Courtesy of CW.
The end is near, folks. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s final season is coming closer to an end, and it will bring quite a few last chances, last attempts, and of course, last impressions. On this week’s Crazy Ex, the new song “I’m Not Sad” will debut, along with the return of Rebecca’s Spice Girls impression (let’s not forget its fantastic first outing in “Friendtopia” — the most lovingly diabolical parody of “Wannabe” in the history of time). Refinery29 has an exclusive sneak peek below.
To set the scene, things seem to be getting complicated for our dear Rebecca Bunch (Rachel Bloom). While she was seemingly all in on her relationship with Greg (Skyar Astin) a few weeks ago, last week’s rom-com fantasy in Nathaniel’s (Scott Michael Foster) head seemed to change things. When he finally declared he was letting her go, Rebecca sure seemed upset.
But she’s not. OK? She’s not sad. In fact, she’s so not sad that in this new clip, she dons a smoky eye and a leather jacket; she pregames her own party of one night on the town; she gets drunk and steals someone’s tacos; and she definitely doesn’t end up drunk on Nathaniel’s doorstep. She’s totally fine, you guys.
Or, well, maybe she’s not.
Rebecca is known to be a little out of the loop with her own emotions. She's also known to mask them with bad behavior, rash decisions, and other questionable activities. But this season, she's supposed to be finally figuring herself out, so maybe this song isn't as much of a cause for concern as it would have been in say, season 2.
But then there's the question of Greg. Sweet, sweet Greg, who forgave her for sleeping with his dad when she was in a downward spiral and (respectfully, and only with her permission) whisked her off her feet while she was babysitting Darryl's baby. So while all this sadness over Nathaniel could spell trouble for OTP Greg, it's also possible that Rebecca is just feeling her feelings. It's never easy to know that an old flame is over you, even if you are totally into the partner you've got. Of course, the full story will play out Friday night, on the Feb. 1 episode of Crazy Ex on The CW. And things will surely get more complicated from here.

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