Cat Rescues Boy From Dog Attack

VIdeo: Courtesy of YouTube.
Okay, so we're a little late to the game on this one, but a little tardiness won't stop us from showing you an incredible act of bravery from a family pet. 'Cause, you know, we're just a wee bit partial to the critters.
At any rate, cats around the world must be feeling pretty smug right about now. Thanks to the heroic actions of a fast-acting feline named Tara, a four-year-old boy was saved from a vicious attack by his neighbor's dog.
Roger Triantafilo of Bakersfield, CA posted the above surveillance video, which shows his young son Jeremy riding his bike in the driveway of his home. Suddenly, the neighbor's dog leaps out, knocking the boy off his bike. The boy's mother rushes out to help, but it's Tara who pounces on the dog, pushing it off the boy and away from the house. Badass.
While Tara is being hailed as a hero (and hopefully getting some gourmet kibbles for the next year), the little boy is recovering from his injuries, which left him with a few stitches.
On a sad note, TMZ reports that animal control picked up the dog in an "aggressive state," and has opted to euthanize the animal.
It's always heart-wrenching when any animal must be put down. Hopefully, this video will raise awareness about the need to keep tough dogs safe and secure, particularly when small children are nearby. (toner)

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