This Brow PSA Will Make You Drop Your Tweezers For Good

rexusa_1933643alPhoto: PLV/REX USA.
I'm obsessed with eyebrows. Between making my own look flawless and mooning over the sets of celebrities, I spend a good deal of brain time on this body part that plenty of people don't give a second thought to. But, good brow shape is actually worth talking about, as proven by this hilarious (but actually pretty revealing) PSA over on toner. The post shows photos of celebrities who have swung from super-thin to bold-and-bushy brows over the years — and the results are pretty epic.
It's pretty amazing how one subtle swap of your beauty look can bring out your cheekbones, lengthen your face, and even make your eyes appear bigger. And, the before-and-after celeb snaps illustrate how powerful your brows actually are. Remember when Lauren Conrad had a pencil-thin set circa season one of The Hills? A few years (and a serious growing-out period) later, and the entire shape of her face has changed. Now, it seems softer and a lot more symmetrical. And stars like Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, Miley Cyrus, and even the Olsen twins have benefitted from the simple step of changing up their brow game, too.
So, no, you aren't crazy for spending all that time in the morning filling those bad boys in. Click over to see more brow-spiration. (toner).

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