Clueless Finds New Life On Twitter, We’re Kvelling

We probably drop more Clueless references each week than we'd care to admit — owning it on both VHS and DVD tends to have that effect. (And, frankly, there are a few situations that don't call for its stinging wit and wisdom — Amy Heckerling's writing is just that good.) We clearly aren't alone. References to the movie litter social media (and toner) possibly more than any other film that came out in almost two decades (!). So, it's no shock that when some evil genius launched the @ModernClueless Twitter account a few days ago, it became an overnight sensation. We're kvelling!
Basically, @ModernClueless does exactly what it promises: puts a clever 2014 spin on Clueless's crucial dialogue. Shockingly, there's been no Miley references yet, but social media lingo, Britney's hair, Justin Bieber, and fad diets have all made worthy satirical cameos so far. A sampling of some favorites:
"Last but not least, the wonderful crew at Starbucks for spending hours making those pumpkin lattes, without which I might never be tardy."
"Josh needed someone with imagination, someone to take care of him, someone to fav his joke tweets…in case he ever makes any."

"Cher: Would you call me basic?
Dionne: No, not to your face."

"I don't rely on mirrors, so I always take selfies."
Naturally, we're probably looking forward to @ModernClueless's first #waywarsh tweet. We're outie 'til then.

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