Riley May Not Have Won Tayshia’s Heart, But He’s The One For Bachelor Nation

Photo: Courtesy of ABC.
Tayshia Adams' run as the Bachelorette is moving at lightspeed. Somehow, we're already about to watch her meet her contestants' families during the highly anticipated hometown dates. But the final four's happiness came at a high price because it meant that one of Bachelor Nation's top contender was sent packing.
Riley Christian was unceremoniously dumped from Love Island: La Quinta The Bachelorette in Monday's emotional episode, and if you've been paying attention to the show, you probably saw it coming from a mile away. Still, that doesn't make his exit hurt any less, especially for fans of the show who have fallen in love with the attorney.
Tayshia gave Riley the boot after a sensual date with Blake Moynes opened her eyes to the jarring reality that she couldn't keep all eight of the remaining contestants. After tearfully sending Blake home, our leading lady continued on a mission to thin out the rest of the pack, singling out Riley for a one-on-one conversation. Almost as if he could sense what was about to happen, Riley patiently listened to Tayshia explain that she couldn't, in good conscience, meet his family when their relationship was not as developed at those that she had with other men in the group. Yes, she had feelings for Riley and appreciated him talking about his secret trauma to her during a date, but they just weren't strong enough to go home with him.
"I know how much this means to you," Tayshia told Riley. "I don’t want to put you in that position if my heart isn’t 100 percent matching yours."
"Why keep me around so long?" he questioned. "Why not just let me"
Unfortunately, time just wasn't on Riley's side; Tayshia just was further along in her respective relationships with Ivan Hall, Brendan Morais, Zac Clark, and Ben Smith. The two parted ways, and in the limo, Riley revealed that he still had so much left to say to our Bachelorette. He still felt like Tayshia was the one.
Cue Bachelor Nation absolutely breaking down.
The former flames reunited briefly at the explosive Men Tell All, and Riley's ongoing vulnerability and kind heart reminded Tayshia that he is truly a prince among men. As for Bachelor Nation, he's been seeing your all tweets and is thankful for the ongoing support of his journey to true love.
Sure, he didn't get the girl this time, but something tells me that his perfect match is on the way. (And she might just be in his Twitter DMs — hey, Riley!)

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