Selena Gomez's Mom Urged Her To Not Be In Woody Allen's Movie

Photo: Matt Crossick/PA Images/Getty Images.
Much has been said about Selena Gomez's controversial decision to star in the upcoming Woody Allen film A Rainy Day in New York, which filmed late last year. Gomez has yet to address her decision fully, even as Allen's past and present collaborators come under scrutiny. And, according to an Instagram comment left by Gomez's mother, she likely never will.
Gomez's mother Mandy Teefey, whose Instagram handle is @kicked2thecurbproductions, replied to a comment on Gomez's Instagram requesting an apology for Gomez's work with Allen. Teefey has since deleted the comment, but multiple records of it have circulated on Twitter, and toner News published their own screenshot of it.
"No one can make Selena do anything she doesn’t want to," Teefey wrote. "I had a long talk with her about not working with him and it didn’t click. Her team are amazing people. There is no fall person here."
Teefey implies with the comment that she knew the movie would be controversial, but Gomez wasn't interested in her advice.
"No one controls her. She makes all her own decisions. No matter how hard you try to advise. It falls on deaf ears," Teefey wrote.
There have been rumors of a strained relationship between the two since Teefey relinquished her role as Gomez's manager in 2014. In an interview with the website Gossip Cop, Teefey added to the rumors somewhat when said that she was "not happy" with Gomez's decision to reunite with Justin Bieber. In the same interview, Teefey explained that her stepping down as manager didn't add to family tension.
"We never expected to manage her her whole life. We lost family time because the only time we saw her, we talked business," she said.
Gomez is under the microscope now because two of her co-stars in the film have made statements regarding their work in it. Both Rebecca Hall and Timothée Chalamet pledged their salaries from the film to charity. (In the movie, Chalamet and Gomez play love interests.)
In late November, Billboard asked Gomez if Allen's history — he was accused of sexual assault in 1993 by adopted daughter Dylan Farrow — was a consideration when Gomez took the role. Gomez gracefully avoided the question, saying, "To be honest, I’m not sure how to answer – not because I’m trying to back away from it." She added, "[The Harvey Weinstein allegations] actually happened right after I had started [on the movie]. They popped up in the midst of it. And that’s something, yes, I had to face and discuss. I stepped back and thought, 'Wow, the universe works in interesting ways."
When Chalamet, who is in a very similar position to Gomez, made his statement Tuesday morning, he explained that he couldn't comment on the allegations against Allen due to "contractual obligations." It seems clear that Gomez is under similar obligations. However, Chalamet did promise to donate his salary to Time's Up, the LGBT center in New York, and RAINN.
Refinery29 has reached out to representation for Gomez for comment.
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