The New York Post Killed Twerking

twerkPhoto: Courtesy of The New York Post.
Alright, alright, alright! Enough! This twerking epidemic that's breaking Disney chains, and polarizing innocent people left and right has got to stop (insert handclaps on the downbeat). We get it: it's fascinating to watch. How one viciously moves their rump without a single upper body palpitation is a mystery. And mystery it must remain.

From here on out there will be no more mentioning of the twerk. It has had its 15 minutes, been inducted into the Oxford Dictionary, and now we must bid twerking farewell before it becomes the next Harlem Shake, or worse, Soulja Boy's Superman "dance."
The New York Post
's infographic breaking down how one properly twerks is the (ridiculous) hammer to the nails in twerking's coffin. Let's make a pact to never, ever mention this craze again (even if Ciara looks absolutely fabulous doing it). Okay, well, we'll make an exception if it's Amber Rose. She can work the twerk all day, any day. Whoops. (toner)

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