This Is What We’re Going To Look Like In 100,000 Years

While some of us can't even plan on what we're going to do tonight after work, some docs are already planning what we'll be looking like in 100,000 years. Artist Nickolay Lamm partnered with Dr. Alan Kwan, a Ph.D. from Washington University, to generate portraits of what we might look like in the future, and it's interestingly off-putting.
Forbes explains the duo used Kwan's computational genomic skills and Lamm's illustration tools to visualize "one possible timeline" Lamm believes the human species may follow. According to the duo, we'll have larger heads to accommodate a bigger brain, darker skin to protect against UV rays, larger nostrils so we can breathe more easily, and larger eyes because apparently we'll be living far off in the galaxy where light is limited. Basically, we'll look like Lady Gaga in her "Bad Romance" video, minus the pink hair (our mane will be thicker to retain heat from our larger heads, though). By the time this all happens, we'll have the power to make the perfect face — which, if this beauty equation is of any indication, will be modeled after Brad Pitt's. But with gigantic peepers. Great. (toner)

Photo: via toner; Courtesy of Nickolay Lamm.

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