YSL! Lennon! Twain! From The Desks Of The World’s Most Creative Minds

As you may have noticed, we love awing over perfectly styled celebrity homes. After all, it is intriguing to see how the rich and famous live. However, it's even more fascinating to see the most creative of the crop's rawest, most unfiltered setting: their desks. Thanks to toner, we get a peek at 40 world-renowned writers, artists, and musicians' work spaces — creative realms graced by the likes of Jane Austen, Roald Dahl, Susan Orlean, and many notable more.
Although these are just the desks of creative phenomenons, past and present, there's something utterly inspiring to see where they put pen to paper, paint to canvas, finger to keyboard. Perhaps we're just in awe of the legacy these greats have left or will leave behind. Or, perhaps it's simply knowing that masterpieces like The BFG and Jane Eyre came to fruition in nooks similar to our very own. Whether these desks are minimal or messy, tiny or expansive, 19th century or modern, this is evidence (not that we needed it) that these very real influencers had a tangible design preference, thought process, and point of view of their very own.
Get your daily dose of inspiration and stop by toner to see all 40 desks and their famously creative owners. And, keep clicking below to see our three favorite.
Yves Saint Laurent
It takes a sawhorse desk, a cork board of inspiration, and plenty of pet toys to start a fashion empire. We wonder if Hedi Slimane's desk looks similar?

Photo: Courtesy of toner/

Nigella Lawson
The first lesson any young journalist learns: To be a good writer, read as much as you can. Famed food writer Nigella Lawson definitely took this to heart. Her work space is a bookworm's dream!
Photo: Courtesy of toner
John Lennon & Yoko Ono
Leave it to John Lennon and Yoko Ono to prefer the coffee table and floor. We guess that's where the words flowed free!
Photo: Courtesy of toner/

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