Your Horoscope This Week: 17th July to 23rd July, 2022

The last week of Cancer season begins with a trine between both the Sun and Mercury in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces on the 17th. Water trines often imply waterworks but the stars aren’t entirely responsible for who cries and who doesn’t. Emotions travel by many different waves; they reprogram our nervous systems, resonate through our creative works, and linger in our common spaces. Venus shifts under Cancer on the 17th, a virtuous transit that prompts us to evaluate our priorities, especially in creative relationships. Venus in Cancer reminds us that emotions are often more than sensations, they are memories and for this reason, emotional information deserves emotional respect. 
With Mercury in Cancer making an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn the next day, memory, or our ability to relate to and recognise the significance of the past, is a major theme this week. Just in time, Chiron stations retrograde in Aries on the 19th, rolling out a five-month cosmic processing session. The last-quarter moon in Aries on the 20th squares both Pluto in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer, aching to turn over a new leaf. But even new leaves carry within them the memory of leaves before, like plants that shift their new growths to avoid areas where they once felt injury. All things grow with the Sun — a planet made ever more powerful as it slides in home, or Leo, on the 22nd.
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